
We offer a range of IT Savvy software solutions/Apps.

We currently have two existing Apps founded by Widetechnologies and these apps are called My Rari File and Chatwide. Both apps are focused on improving the quality of live and services in South Africa.

Why Choose Us

Our approach, flexibility and extensive resources. We recognize that whilst all businesses have a lot of similarities, our unquiness and selling point at WideTechnologies is that we believe in minimum cost for maximum value.

We are deliberate and pride ourselves in making sure that we make a significant change in South Africas economy and quality of life and services through IT solutions.

View our Current

My Rari File

MRF is a software that will digitize and centralize medical records, this will help create a database for both South African citizens and alien passport holders in our medical industry.

Chat Wide

At ChatWide, we offer a platform where the general public can file complaints about the quality of service they have received from any institution, for a small fee. We also provide specialized coaching services tailored to individual needs, such as life coaching, parenting coaching, and career coaching.

Our global clients here

Are you ready for a better,

Stop wasting time & money on technology.